Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Five Ways to Avoid Awful Cliched Engagement Photos

Five Ways to Avoid Awful Cliched Engagement Photos

If you are anything like me then you know that the thought of getting engagement photos seems a little cheesy. That being said there has to be a way to get a great set of photos without them looking like they came right out of Olan Mills photography session. So, today I am bringing some tips for your fall engagement photo session straight from Pinterest.


Yes, leaves are falling, but why are they only falling where you are standing? The foliage on the trees is enough natural splendor to serve as a backdrop for your photo or if you insist on utilizing the leaves, just take one, like you would on a stroll through the park, and twirl it through your fingertips. Or another option  sit in a big pile of leaves with huge grins on your face. No matter what keep your poses realistic and you can help avoid those awfully awkward staged photos.

Yes that leaf is much more important than your face

What a beautiful branch of leaves..oh, look, there are people behind it

Remember you and your fiancĂ© are the focus! 

#2 Don't Go Overboard with Props

Yes, you can bring snuggly blankets, or bicycles or other fall inspired props, but you should not overload your session with stuff. Keep it simple and romantic. Oh, and leave the scrabble tiles at home. Unless you and your fiancĂ© are in a scrabble league or it carries some significance to your relationship put the tiles down. It has been done a million times before. Try to come up with something fun and different if you are going to use props to make your engagement photos your save the date. 


 Don't: I shoveled manure in this right before you got in.

Don't: And..what! And…What! Always with the &!


#3 Leave the Heart Hands at Home

It's great you can make two hands make a heart when you put them together. You can also make a bunny on a wall with a flashlight and all kinds of great shadow puppets. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. It's not that this wasn't once an adorable concept, it's just that everyone and I mean everyone has done it or is doing it. Be unique!

Don't: Heart Hands

Don't: Heart Hands on a Pumpkin

Don't: Heart Hands in a Sunset

#4 Avoid Weird Perspective Shots. Ok, so everyone wants a creative, one-of-a-kind engagement photo session, but sometimes the theory "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". Get creative, but you shouldn't look tiny, or upside down. There are "right ways" to do perspective, so do your research. 

Don't: Be upside down in wine glass

Don't: Capture your special moment this way

Don't: Really Just Don't!


#5 Avoid Weird Show-Off-Your-Ring Photos. I'm not saying you shouldn't take nice photo of your ring, but avoid the awkward un-realistic poses that have become oh so cliched over the years. 

Where did you go? All I see is my ring! 

I Pinkie Swear we'll stay married!

Honey, shhh you're the prop. The ring is the main subject.

Now Just a Whole Bunch of Don'ts